What’s going on with eBay?

By HawgWyld on 2:01 AM

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I used to have a lot of fun with eBay, but my experiences with buying and selling over there have been altogether odd lately. Have I just hit a run of bad luck or are things going downhill over there? Click here to read on and decide for yourself.

Grab some New Balance online

By HawgWyld on 1:30 AM

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For years, my athletic shoes of choice have been made by New Balance. Why? They are comfortable, well made, durable and more than a few of them are manufactured here in the United States. Those are all good things, right?

Here in central Arkansas, we’ve got a great New Balance store in Little Rock that treats its customers right. However, there are times when it would be nice to simply fire up a Web browser and buy a pair of mens New Balance shoes online. You know – browse through all the styles, see the prices, get good deals and all of that.

Click the aforementioned link, pilgrim, and you can do just that over at Schuler Shoes. You’ll get good service, the shoes you want and a deal or two. Not bad, huh?

Your one-stop-shop for mail and telemarketing lists

By HawgWyld on 12:46 AM

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Let’s say you’ve got a small or medium-sized business and you’ve decided the most efficient way to grow your customer base is through direct mail or telemarketing.

Where should you start? How can you focus on the demographic that is most likely to respond to what your company has to offer? How can you get your list quickly? Do you need to speak to an expert who can help meet your needs or do you feel comfortable enough to use an Internet site with some good tools to help you assemble your list or lists?

Ready to enjoy the true definition of “bang for the buck” and get up and running in a hurry? Just click here and you’re on your way. Hit that link and you’ll find a company that specializes in direct mail and telemarketing links and is available to you whenever you need it.

Ready to expand through aggressive, effective marketing? You’ve got the tool to help you achieve your goal – use it.

A good real estate site is a rare thing

By HawgWyld on 12:27 AM

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As some of you may know, I’ve worked in the real estate industry in one capacity or another for some time. I’ve seen some great real estate sites that give good information to shoppers using the Internet for information on how to buy and sell a home and I’ve seen some rotten ones, too. A lot of rotten ones, in fact.

In fact, trying to find a good real estate site is somewhat difficult for one, simple reason – a lot of agents, for better or worse, view a presence on the Internet as a “back burner” project. They want to have one, but Internet sites are often minor components of larger marketing campaigns.

For those shopping for Calgary real estate, however, you’re in luck – just click on the aforementioned link and you’ll see what I mean. Instead of just getting a site that lists off Calgary real estate agents, you’ll find some very useful tools for anyone looking to buy or sell a home. The site is full of useful information, including an MLS search engine that actually works and some great tips that will help sellers position their homes and buyers find what houses they need.

Give it a shot, kids, and dig the difference.